Fixed-Rate Vs Adjustable-Rate Mortgages – Which is Right for You?

The government's expansion of the Help to Buy scheme has come under criticism. Picture: iStock
ARMs may offer an attractive introductory rate to help make higher mortgage payments more manageable, yet once this period ends, their interest rates could skyrocket rapidly.
Budget for any increased payments that arise before your adjustable period has ended.
Homebuyers looking for a fixed-rate mortgage may use it to obtain a competitive initial interest rate and protect themselves from fluctuating interest rates over the life of their loan. A fixed-rate loan also makes budgeting easier by keeping payments consistent over time – many lenders provide 15 and 30-year options of these fixed loans.
ARMs typically offer lower initial interest rates than their fixed-rate counterparts, making them a more appealing option to homeowners looking for affordable homes. But should market trends lead to unexpectedly higher interest rates in the long run, ARMs could cost more in the end than anticipated. In general, an introductory period typically lasts seven to 10 years before rates can change depending on market conditions.
First step to choosing the appropriate mortgage is understanding your budget and goals. Your decision between fixed- and adjustable-rate mortgages depends on your desired length of ownership as well as monthly payment stability.
Advantages of a Fixed-Rate Mortgage For many homebuyers, a fixed-rate mortgage offers predictability and peace of mind when selecting their loan option. A fixed-rate loan keeps monthly payments consistent regardless of market fluctuations or inflation; furthermore, its stability saves you money in times of historically low-interest rate environments by protecting you against payments rising when rates eventually do start increasing over time.
Fixed-rate mortgages make comparing loan offers simpler because there are fewer variables to take into account, including closing costs. This makes the comparison process simpler for newcomers who may find adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) daunting or confusing; many dedicated first-time homebuyer programs only provide fixed-rate loans anyway.
Advantages of an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage
People who select an adjustable-rate mortgage typically do so because they know their new home won’t be their forever residence and plan on selling or trading up in a few years. By opting for an ARM instead, they can enjoy lower initial interest rates until their introductory period has concluded, and hopefully sell or trade up before it does.
Should mortgage rates fall in the future, homeowners with adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) can take advantage of lower interest rates without having to refinance. This is possible since their initial interest rate will be determined purely by market factors rather than anything specific to them or their circumstances. Due to this factor, interest-rate adjustments tend not to be as drastic than they would be had the borrower selected a fixed-rate mortgage in similar market conditions. After their introductory periods expire, homeowners with adjustable-rate mortgages have often found themselves forced to refinance into fixed-rate loans because their payments became too costly when rates rose – this can often prove more costly than having started with a traditional fixed rate loan initially.